Crusty white bread

A simple, classic white bread, perfect for the Dutch-oven baking method. This core recipe is the basis for many of my bread variations.

Close-up view of crusty white bread crust.

Makes: 1 boule loaf
Time: About 3 hours, mostly unattended


  • 3 cups of unbleached white bread flour
  • 1.5 teaspoons of active dry yeast
  • 1.5 teaspoons of Kosher salt
  • 1.25 cups of lager beer
  • 1 tablespoon of white vinegar


  1. Mix all ingredients in a mixer, or by hand. Mix for 3 minutes in a mixer; about 5 minutes by hand.
  2. The dough should form a sticky ball after a minute of mixing. In a mixer the dough should be moist enough to stick to the sides and bottom of the mixer bowl, but should still mostly form a sticky ball on the dough hook, not a heavy batter or a smooth-surfaced ball entirely stuck to the bread hook of the mixer. Add beer in .25 cup increments if the dough seems too dry. Add .25 cup flour if it seems to runny and batter-like.
  3. Spray Pam into a stainless steel bowl, and scoop the dough into the bowl. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and set aside for 2 hours.
  4. Use the Dutch oven baking method for the best results.

See my general notes on yeast bread baking for more information on what brands of ingredients and equipment I use. Also, I have notes on the Dutch-oven bread baking method that I usually use for this bread.
Crusty white bread boule.